The faint hope that Trump might govern from a newly confident and magnanimous self who carried a new Congress with him didn't last long. I didn't reach my assessments over the last two years quickly, but I am glad my last post just before the election was to my region's Trumpian elected officials (in Western Maryland) to go on the public record opposing him. Silence of course.

This is an important step down an increasingly ugly road.

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Bill - Trump spoke to Davos WEF a few days back. They applauded loudly. Aside from the hypocrisy (WEF is a devil to MAGA) and Trump's rants about deregulation and promising the "lowest corporate tax rates in the world", scroll down and check out the Q&A and his response to MR. BRENDE, CEO of TotalEnergies, the fourth largest oil and gas and electricity company in the world


It is an astonishing display of illegality and the "Unitary Executive". Trump is promising to personally approve major fossil energy infrastructure permit approvals in one week!

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